Welcome to my new Blog

February 11, 2012 § 1 Comment

Bahrain’s wonderful story has been told for centuries and in many chapters. While we all embrace our important past, we look more to the stories of tomorrow to keep Bahrain progressive, peaceful and a worthy companion to our friends around the world.

Through this blog, I will endeavor to provide insight and thought to what is happening today in Bahrain and share my country’s journey to enact political reform, to provide economic opportunity and to engender a sense of national unity. This will let us communicate directly with the American people and others who wish an unvarnished, accurate report on what is taking place in Bahrain, the U.S.’s longtime friend and strongest ally in the Middle East.

Almost one year ago, my country changed profoundly. At first, peaceful demonstrators took to the streets demanding an expansion of freedom and opportunity for all Bahrainis. Unfortunately, these peaceful protests were co-opted by extremists and turned violent. The Government of Bahrain had to step in to restore law and order.

Since then, Bahrain has undertaken a number of important steps to achieve national reconciliation. In July we held a National Dialogue that resulted in many important political reforms – including an expansion of the powers of elected parliament. Since November, the National Commission has been working earnestly to implement the recommendations contained in the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry report.

We have much work left to do, but one year later we are getting Bahrain back on course. Through this blog, I hope to keep you informed and updated on events in Bahrain and invite you to share in our journey.

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